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china drop cloth,drop cloth

DIY cotton drop cloth to make tablecloth.

A canvas drop cloth makes a great outdoor table cover: It is durable, environmentally friendly and beautiful. heavy enough to stand up to a strong breeze and easy to wash. Just paint on a pattern and you’ve got the start of a great picnic.


painter's tape

yardstick or tape measure



lime-green and black spray paint

natural-fiber drop cloth

Sturdy and Stylish

Measure, Mark and Tape

Measure three inches from the edge of the cloth and mark with pencil, then continue making marks every three inches down the entire length of the drop cloth. Line up and then place painter's tape along the pencil marks.

Cover Entire Cloth

Continue taping off the drop cloth until it is completely covered in a checkerboard pattern.

Start Spraying

Spread out the drop cloth in a well-ventilated area. Start in one corner and spray every other square with lime spray paint, making sure to fill in the squares completely.

Alternate Colors

Fill alternating squares with the lime paint. Spray the remaining squares with black paint.

Let Dry Then Set

Allow the paint to dry completely, at least 6 to 8 hours, before using the tablecloth.

The above content is to make use of canvas painter drop cloth to make the whole step of tablecloth, want to buy drop cloth, or have relevant problem, can consult us, we are canvas drop cloth manufacturer that comes from China.